Friday, November 29, 2019
A Critical Analysis of Gagamba essays
A Critical Analysis of Gagamba essays Gagamba. Francisco Sionil Jose. Philippines: Solidaridad Publishing House, 1991. 121. P175.00 Gagamba is one great literary piece among the many novels of Francisco Sionil Jose. This 121-page papaerback is a rich product of Joses different perspective and interpretation of life and society. The archetypal gagamba (spider)-any of the order of arachnids that has a two-part body, eight legs and two or more pairs of abdominal organs for spinning threads of silk used especially in making webs for catching prey-was excellently used to show how peoples lives could possibly end at one spider web. For a while, the story was thought to give emphasis on how Gagamba-the cripple sweepstakes vendor was able to survive when Camarin collapsed, but as the story progresses, it reveals more the people from different sectors of society whose lives had given Camarin its breath and shine. Without these people knowing, it would be the same building that would take their own breaths. July 15, 1990, Sunday, around twelve oclock noon, a killer earthquake struck Central Luzon including Manila. Tranquilino Gagamba Penoy was one of the survivors of the collapse of the Camarin building-the only establishment in Manila that was totally wrecked. Even though there were less casualties because there were no offices open; still, the incident took away several lives of the people who were making profits and gaining pleasures in the classic restaurant of Camarin, that was actually a very intelligent front of prostitution. The day after the acrid incident, a cry was heard inside the totally wrecked building. The novel exemplifies how just God is. Perhaps, the incident was one of Gods ways of cleaning out the dirt of the society. Also, the story depicts the goodness of God for after the death of so many people, He still gives others the chance to live and see the beauty of life. However, behind this wonderful story ar ...
Monday, November 25, 2019
Iraq Genocide Brock Essay
Iraq Genocide Brock Essay Iraq Genocide Brock Essay Brock Needens Mackey 26 April 2011 Red 4 Iraq Genocide Many genocides have happened throughout the earth, and some are a lot worse than others but the Iraqi genocide is still pretty sad what happened. The genocide is known for the mass number of Kurdish people that were murdered under Saddam Hussein’s rule. In northern Iraq he directed mass evacuations, mass executions, and also chemical attacks on Kurdish men, women, and children. The Iraq genocide still affects the culture of the people because they still suffer serious sickness and deformities as a result of what happened, and also Kurdish people still worry that it is possible to happen again. Also Saddam treated people very poorly, and the Iraq genocide changed the life of not only the people involved but the people to come. The genocide has hurt many people in northern Iraq not only emotionally but also physically. Under Saddam Hussein’s rule many Kurdish people were killed in mass numbers by not only torture chambers, but also by chemical attacks. Many people did die because of this but some were just seriously harmed by the chemicals they got. â€Å"And the people of that area are still suffering serious illness and deformities as a result†(Genocide 1). Many families lost their loved ones as a result of the chemicals, but many would feel better loosing someone than having to see them live through the hardship of being ill and or deformed. This has cleared harmed people in Iraq physically, but if you think about it, it has hurt them emotionally also. Many people would say that Saddam was one of the worst dictators of all time. He did many things that are almost inhuman and would be impossible to hurt people the way he did. People use to worry that he would do more terrible things, until the day they were finally relieved with his execution. â€Å"History will certainly judge Saddam Hussein as amongst the cruelest and most dangerous dictators of all time†(Genocide 1). He was a crazy man that could go off and do totall y terrible things at any time he was angry. Even people in history believe that he was a terrible man, and that is why the Kurds could not feel safe until he was gone. Saddam Hussein treated the Kurdish people almost like they were worse than dirt, and that he could treat him however he wanted. He had not only chemical attacks on people, but he also had torture chambers where he did many horrific things to people. Hussein was an awful man whom had no feelings for other people that he was harming. â€Å"Applying hot irons and electric currents while nailed to a wall are standard treatments of torture†(Genocide 1). This shows how terrible and crazy he truly was that he could first of all nail someone to a wall, but also put hot irons on them. It is clear he did what he wanted because no one near him tried to put a stop to this which is really sad. Also Saddam had anger issues that could come up at any time if someone did or said the wrong thing. The way he killed people could v ary but the fact that he could just go off and do that made him a monster. â€Å"If Saddam became irked, that victim may well be thrown into one of the palace’s acid pools†(Genocide 1). Clearly Saddam Hussein had little control over himself considering he could just throw someone in an acid pool, and watch them die a terrible death. There is no doubt he has anger problems, and it would have been terrible to be the unlucky victim when he went off. Finally the genocide that occurred in Iraq affected not only the people involved but many people to come. Many people were killed or seriously injured and that really affected families and relatives that were close to that person. A lot of people
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Reasoning of the Astrology Using Illumination Manuscript by Essay
The Reasoning of the Astrology Using Illumination Manuscript by Lumbourg Brothers - Essay Example People dealt mainly with the effects of Black deaths and Great Schism1. In spite of the new age problems, there was an evolution of new economic system. The thriving economies gave a leeway to the evolution of various cities, as well as, rural-urban migration. It is worthwhile noting that during the period, gothic art became the epitome of an inspiration to the art of Northern Europe, especially the illuminations and the exquisite combination of colors seen through stained glass. One of the most significant developments in French manuscripts was the new concept, as well as, the presentation of space. The pictures and images done by the then artists no longer flat as they were but have been developed into three dimensions. Many historians argue that the style could have been possible due to the contact with Italian artists and their humanism development. One of the main artists during the periods was the Lumbourg Brothers. The group expanded the illusionistic capabilities of illuminat ion. The paper will cover a detailed analysis of their work, as revealed in the Book of Hours for Jean, the Duke of Berry. The analysis will be based on irony and astrological reasoning as depicted in the book. It will also include the examples of the works of arts during the period. To begin with, the calendar pages are perhaps considered the most famous in the illuminated manuscript history. ... In the month of January, the relationship between Duke and that of the peasant people is evident. The Duke appears at the reception of the New Year, at court and is noted by the existing large halo behind him. The chamberlains stand in front of him and they usher the two people with the words, â€Å"approach†written on both sides behind him2. The large tapestry believed to be a scene from the Trojan War and the table full of rich foods displays the wealth that accompanies The picture depicts the feast of Epiphany that was celebrated in the hall of Hotel d’Grac’. In the middle of the picture, next to Jean De Berry is an inscription, Aproche’. The prince is accessible to all in this festive occasion. the Duke. In addition, each illustration in the artwork is accompanied with an appropriate hemisphere showing a solar chariot, the degrees and the signs of zodiac as well as the numbering of the days of the month. They also show martyrological letters represent ing lunar calendar. The subjects of the illustrations for the first four months of the calendar are as shown: January is regarded as the month of giving New Year’s gifts, although the custom has died out currently contrary to the Christian teachings on generosity and sharing. On this day, Jean Berry is seen on the right and he appears as he wears the brilliant blue robe. In the month of February, it is wintertime in a peasant village and farm inhabitants are portrayed in the pictures as they warm themselves around the fires, in the background daily lives. To them, life goes on as normal. They cut wood, take cattle to the market, and perform all other normal chores
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Respiratory therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Respiratory therapy - Essay Example Despite encouraging reductions in the use of cigarettes, especially by the middle aged men, the problems of COPD patients persist and are likely to do so in the future. The management of COPD patients is increasingly multidisciplinary, and the patients themselves are entitled to explanation and education not only how their disease arises or what they can do to prevent this disease but also what the different treatments recommended do and what kind of benefits they are likely to achieve from these treatments and smoking cessation (Pauwels, R.A. and Rabe, K.F., 2004). Definitions: COPD is a spectrum of disease that includes chronic bronchitis, emphysema, long-standing asthma that has become relatively unresponsive to treatment, and small airways disease. The unifying feature of COPD is that it is chronic, slowly progressive disorder characterized by airflow obstruction that is not fully reversible and varies very little from day to day and month to month (Pauwels, R.A. and Rabe, K.F., 2004). Cigarette Smoking: Cigarette smoking is the most commonly identified correlate with COPD. Experimental studies have shown that prolonged cigarette smoking impairs ciliary movement, inhibits the function of alveolar macrophages, and leads to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of mucus secreting glands. Inhaled cigarette smoke is overwhelmingly the most important risk factor for the development of COPD. Although, COPD can occur in nonsmokers, about 90% cases are thought to be a direct result of cigarette smoking (Jamrozik, K., 2004). On the other hand, lung function decreases after the age of 30-35 years as a part of the ageing process. In normal healthy nonsmokers, the rate of decline of forced expiratory volume at 1 minute is 25 to 30 mL a year; whereas, in at-risk smokers, the rate of decline may be double, that is, 50 to 60 mL a year. What is clearly known is although lost lung function is not regained when smoking is stopped, the rate of decline returns to that of a nonsmoker. The FEV1 often drops below 50% of the predicted before symptoms of COPD appear, and the patients usually present with symptomatic disease at the age of 50 to 70 years. This highlights the importance of the early detection of such high-risk smokers and persuading them to stop smoking. If they can be persuaded to stop, they may never suffer from severe, disabling, and symptomatic disease. Even when a smoker has developed symptomatic disease, stopping smoking will still result in worthwhile salvage of lung function and improved life expectancy (National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions, 2004). Development of Patient Education Program: Stopping smoking is the single most important intervention in COPD and the only thing that significantly alters the natural history of the disease. It is of primary importance at every stage and must be encouraged actively and continuously. In mild COPD it may be the only treatment needed and may prevent the patient ever developing severe, disabling and life-threatening illness. Therefore, a patient education program with an intention for awareness about the disease could be an acceptable approach in the early stages of the disease. Drugs or medical therapy alone cannot satisfactory ensure short
Monday, November 18, 2019
Select one question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Select one question - Essay Example Other paintings are of aesthetic value as they express nature. Paintings also have some teachings. Some paintings according to me disclose what an artist feels about a vital object inclusive of social justice, death, religion and love. Some paintings tell history of time at which it was created (Norman, pp. 36) The paintings provide information on interests, goals and customs of past communities and people. Much of our knowledge about the past has been drawn from ancient arts and paintings as many communities did not leave behind enough records of the past. Painting discloses on tools, clothing, food and shelter of the past. It would be difficult to miss a subject that has no painting. Artists paint everything around them for instance, object, nature, animals and people. They also imagine non existing scenes and make a painting on artist can flashback on the past and make a painting on a myth, religious story or a historical event. Painting is also very interesting as one can paint on a subject that expresses your idea or feeling of importance. Reaction on Painting Painting has an art may be complex as the artist tries to make his intentions be seen. The use of different colors in painting gives meaning to the art. For instance, black may be employed in a painting to bring out a somber mood. I look art as a painting as a great art as I can express what I want to put across without talking a word. The manner in which I arrange my piece of work on the surface makes the painting to be more realistic and will create an impression of creativity. The works of a painting is supposed to bring an individual to a real world where the painting looks real. In a painting there are always many shapes involved. The shapes are all blended to make a creative scene. The whole location of the painting should make meaning of the whole thing. According to me paintings brings a relief to a human emotions. For instance, tension may be cooled down through painting. This is bec ause when painting all senses are involved in thinking and painting. This makes the stress that had built up to ease with time as thoughts are diverted to the painting. For instance, at one time I had examinations just around the corner but unfortunately I was not that prepared. Therefore, I decided to walk to the woods and got an idea of painting the whole scenario. I dashed back to the class and sat down with my painting tools and started contemplating on what I wanted to paint and in what context. In my painting, I was to pass a message on the nature and its location. My thoughts and concentration were glued to the painting. I was just half way and I felt a relief and happiness. It is astonishing what an art like this can perform. Paintings can be more than blobs of pigment on work but semantics space (Norman, pp.10). They are doors into new ideas and worlds that expose our brains to new realms that we never thought existed. An inflammatory subject gives us a break to think. A ve ry young boy who was hospitalized was able to put up with his illness by indulging in art projects. The astonishing story shows both emotional and physical powerful responses, that an art can harvest (Norman, pp. 23).When an individual looks at a piece of work like a painting a lot of things cross the mind. Many may react on a piece of painting but an artist objective is for their work to be remembered. Firstly, a painting can portray emotions from the colors one
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Diabetes Mellitus: Causes And Effect
Diabetes Mellitus: Causes And Effect Diabetes Mellitus is considered one of the major health threats diseases that affect people nowadays. It affects both genders male and female within different age group. However, it is mainly occurs as a result of insulin secretion disorder. Every person is different, so Diabetes Mellitus treatment will be tailored to needs. There are lists of common drugs prescribed in Bahrain clinics which are along with a proper diet and exercise help in controls high glucose level in the blood and also help in reduce complication of Diabetes Mellitus such as kidney damage, eye blindness, nerve problems, loss of limbs, and sexual function problems. Proper control of diabetes Mellitus also reduces the risk of a stroke and heart attacks. Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic medical condition, mean in controlled it is restore life time. There are two major type of Diabetes Mellitus known as type 1(IDDM) or Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus and type 2 (NIDM). This topic was selected to obtain more details regardin g this disease to help people in elevate their knowledge and awareness about Diabetes Mellitus prevention to reduce its complication. This paper on Diabetes Mellitus in both genders will include general information of the disease, symptoms, causes and risk factors of Diabetes Mellitus. Finally, the effects, treatment and prevention of the disease will also be considered in this paper. Types of Diabetes Mellitus There are two main kinds of Diabetes Mellitus are type 1(IDDN), type 2 (NIDM), and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus considered as a hired type only during pregnancy. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes or Juvenile diabetes, it is usually diagnosed in children and teenagers. In this kind of diabetes, the beta cell of the pancreas failed in produce insulin because the bodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s immune system has attacked and destroyed them. Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes taking insulin shots or using an insulin pump, diet healthy food, regular exercise, control blood pressure and cholesterol. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 diabetes, formerly known adult-onset or non insulin dependent diabetes most common kind of diabetes. People can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even childhood. This form of diabetes usually starts with insulin resistance, a condition in which fat, muscle, and liver cells do not utilized insulin properly. At first, the pancreas adjusts with the added demand by producing more insulin. In time, however, it loses the ability to secrete enough insulin in response to meals. People who are overweight and inactive are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Treatment includes taking diabetes medicines, control healthy diet, regular exercise, control blood pressure and cholesterol, and taking aspirin daily. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Some women develop gestational diabetes late in pregnancy peroid. Although this Kind of diabetes usually disappear after the baby is born, a woman who has had gestational diabetes is at risk to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Gestational diabetes is caused by the hormones of pregnancy or deficiency of insulin. Signs and symptoms The early symptoms of untreated diabetes are related to elevated blood glucose levels, and loss of glucose in the urine. Increase glucose in the urine cause excessive urine output which lead to dehydration. Dehydration causes increased of thirst and water consumption. The inability of insulin to perform normally has effects on protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Insulin is an anabolic hormone, that is, encourages storage of fat and protein. Insulin deficiency leads to weight loss despite an increase in appetite. Some un treated diabetes patients also complain of fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Patients with diabetes are easily developing infections of the bladder, skin, and vaginal areas. Fluctuations in blood glucose levels can cause blurred vision. Extremely elevation of glucose levels can lead to lethargy and coma. The inability of insulin to perform normally has effects on protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Causes and effects of drugs for diabetes Diabetes mellitus is major health problem in whole world nowadays. It has been affecting both sexes; males and females with in all age group. Infarct, there are certain causes that lead people to use anti high per glycemia medications for type 2 and human insulin for type1, like heredity, social status and psychological condition. In addition, there are also certain effects resulted from misused of diabetes drug such as complications of diseases. To begin with, there are several causes that lead people to become diabetes mellitus. .First of all, many people get diabetes mellitus because of heredity. For example, genetic and hormonal problem lead people to get type2 and specially type 1 diabetes mellitus. The life style of some people also plays a role in being diabetes mellitus type2.If people do not practice enough or proper exercise and they are not aware of the quality and quantity of the food, they will certainly end up in raising their blood glucose. Last but not least, the psychological condition has a great influence on some people to become diabetes mellitus specially those who suffer from certain emotional or stress problems. As a result of above, there are certain effects that might result from being diabetes mellitus. To start with, diabetes people always suffer from some diseases such as blindness to, kidney failure, disease atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and strokes. Genetic Risk Factor Diabetes Mellitus has grater risk among type 1 (Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus) whose parent or relative side have history of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM), (David K, 2008). Social Risk Factor The life style of some people also plays a role in being diabetes mellitus type2.If people do not practice enough or proper exercise and they are not aware of the quality and quantity of the food. There also another risk factor which is over weight or obesity which play a big role in Diabetes Mellitus especially type 2 (NIDM). Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Risk Factor Women who have gestational diabetes during their pregnancy are more prone to get diabetes Mellitus type 2 (NIDM) in future. And complication of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus lead to get big birth baby weight, defect of lung surfactant which cause a respiratory distress syndrome , shoulder dystocia , and cesarean suction delivery to prevent further complication of both mother and baby. Diabetes Mellitus diagnostics Test The fasting blood glucose test is the way to diagnose diabetes after the person has fasten overnight for eight hours, a sample of blood collection for analysis .Normal fasting blood glucose is lower than (100 mg/dl) which call A/C sugar and if A/C sugar is higher than 126 mg/dl on two or more test on different days is diagnosed as diabetes. Then had breakfast and after two hours second blood sample which known P/C sugar or random sugar , a blood glucose level around 200( mg/dl) or high indicate as diabetes. HBA1C Test This test is usedfor diagnosis, an elevated level of glucose irreversibly bound hemoglobin (termed glycated hemoglobin or HbA1c) of 6.0% or higher is known as abnormal finding by most hospitals laboratories. HBA1C is a therapy and treatment test which reflects blood picture of glucose level over preceding ninety days is the average lifetime or red blood cell which consists of hemoglobin; some doctors request this type of test during diagnosis to evaluate changes of HBA1C, the range recommended for glycated hemoglobin is 6.5% in diabetes patient. Complication of Diabetes Mellitus Kidney Complications in diabetes Diabetes affect kidney and it normal function, the urine test done to measure the quantity of the protein (albumin) in urine that is to determine kidney function affected by the especially kidney filteration, presence albumin is early indicator of kidney complication is a nephropathy. the regular checkup especially for type one diabetes mellitus after five years from diagnosis and for type two at the time of diagnosis and if the test show presence of protein in the urine preventive measures should be considered . Hypertension and related complication in diabetes Most diabetes clients complain of high blood pressure, elevation of blood pressure stresses the cardiovascular system, by causesing some symptoms which helped to increase development of diabetic complications such as kidney and eye. High blood pressure diagnose by measuring blood pressure on a regular basis. Normal reading is 130/80. Diabetic people who are not suffer of kidney complication to reduce blood pressure 120/75 as well as for people complain of kidney complication. Cardiovascular Complications There are certain factors helped to increase cardiovascular complication such as smoking cigarettes, uncontrol blood pressure, highperlipidemia and alcohol consumption. Lifestyle stresses increased risk of cardiovascular disease, which can cause myocardial infarction (heart attack), angina (chest pain), stroke, and death. Retinopathy Complications It is amicrovascular disease with no signs or symptoms, and I is common disease cause blindness in diabetes mellitus both types 1 and type 2.which detected by retinal examination, by proper treatment, well control blood glucose level and early detection help to prevent loss of vision. Neuropathy Complictions It is a microvascular disease as a result of nerve ischemia, the nerve function affect due to increase glucose level in the blood. There are different types such as autonomic, neuropathy mononeuropathy, radiculopathy and symmetric polyneuropathy (with small- and large-fiber variants). The common type is the symmetric polyneuropathy which affect distal hand and feet. It manifests as, paresthesisa, dysesthesias, orapainless of sense touch and vipration. And the symptoms of lower extremities as follow cause foot traumma froil-fitting shoes and abnormal weight bearing which cause foot ulceration and infection or fracture. (Jill. P, 2007). Treatments Controlling blood sugar is necessary to avoid future complications of Diabetes Mellitus there are certain ways of treatments help to control elevation of blood glucose level will start now with medication that used in diabetes mellitus management first of all is: Insulin therapy Insulin is use as treatment in both types of diabetes mellitus especially for type one which works as insulin replacement therapy. There are several types of insulin help in control high blood sugar , the most common types such as Actropid , NPH , Lantus and Novopen insulin . And the more popular types of oral hypoglycemia like for example tablet Metaformin 500 mg and 1000 mg, tablet Dionail 5 mg and 10 mg and table 30 mg. Exercise Therapy Program Physical activity helps in transportation of sugar in to the body cell, which is use for energy the more use of exercise help to reduce high blood sugar, and makes the insulin receptors or cells more sensitive to the hormone thus improves the utilization of available glucose more over it is also improve blood circulation and cardiovascular fitness, reduced blood hyperlipedemia. Physical activity also promotes weight reduction and help to reduce tension and stress. Foot Care Prevention Program Diabetes Mellitus affect blood circulation which leads reduction of blood supply to lower extremities and that change put the feet at high risk to develop potential complications. foot complications are more common regarding diabetes mellitus patient ,for that health care providers instruct diabetes patients to do home self examination to their foot. Foot Self Exam Advise Diabetes Mellitus people to examine their feet daily, full feet and especially between the toes. And to look for any cut wound, ulcer and broken skin or change color this examination can be done during bath time. A mirror can help in examination or one of family member. In conclusion there are certain causes and risk factors that lead to diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a major health problem, and considered to be silent illnesses which affect all body parts .Therefore people should be aware their illness and it is complication and also identified the types of diabetes mellitus with some common types of medication. Finally, show also the causes and effects of the disease and how to diagnose the disease.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Transgenic Pigs for Organ Transplants :: Research Papers Essays
Transgenic Pigs for Organ Transplants The rising shortage of donor organs has led scientists to genetically engineer animals that will produce organs suitable for transplant into humans. Pigs are well suited to the procedure because their organs are similar in size to a human’s, and they breed prolifically. Human genes are inserted into the pig's DNA. The method most often used is microinjecting the genes directly into the nuclei of the fertilized eggs. The gene integrates itself into the animal’s genetic code at a single site, though multiple integrations are known to occur. If the gene fails to integrate before the later stages of cell cleavage in the embryo’s development, some cells will not carry the transgene. This is known as mosaicism. The genes being inserted produce human decay accelerating factor (hDAF). This protein is found in human organs, and it prevents the body’s immune system from attacking the organ. Previous xenotransplants or organ donation among different species resulted in what is termed hyperacute rejection. The rejection of the organ occurred within minutes, which is too fast to be prevented by the immune suppressant drugs used in human to human organ transplants. Pigs that undergo the genetic engineering procedure are known as founders, and are bred to produce more transgenic pigs. The resulting litters have to be homozygous for the transgene to produce the high levels of hDAF required for transplantable organs. Lines can be produced from homozygous founders, or by crossing heterozygous founders from different lines to produce â€Å"jigsaw pigs†. All pigs are tested to verify that they are homozygous for the transgene using florescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Transplants of transgenic pig organs into primates such as monkeys and baboons have shown success. Further testing will have to be conducted before xenotransplants are approved for humans, however. Researchers are worried that porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) may be transmitted to humans by the transplants. Pig DNA contains sections with virus-like qualities, and it has been proven these retroviruses can infect human cells. Transgenic Pigs for Organ Transplants :: Research Papers Essays Transgenic Pigs for Organ Transplants The rising shortage of donor organs has led scientists to genetically engineer animals that will produce organs suitable for transplant into humans. Pigs are well suited to the procedure because their organs are similar in size to a human’s, and they breed prolifically. Human genes are inserted into the pig's DNA. The method most often used is microinjecting the genes directly into the nuclei of the fertilized eggs. The gene integrates itself into the animal’s genetic code at a single site, though multiple integrations are known to occur. If the gene fails to integrate before the later stages of cell cleavage in the embryo’s development, some cells will not carry the transgene. This is known as mosaicism. The genes being inserted produce human decay accelerating factor (hDAF). This protein is found in human organs, and it prevents the body’s immune system from attacking the organ. Previous xenotransplants or organ donation among different species resulted in what is termed hyperacute rejection. The rejection of the organ occurred within minutes, which is too fast to be prevented by the immune suppressant drugs used in human to human organ transplants. Pigs that undergo the genetic engineering procedure are known as founders, and are bred to produce more transgenic pigs. The resulting litters have to be homozygous for the transgene to produce the high levels of hDAF required for transplantable organs. Lines can be produced from homozygous founders, or by crossing heterozygous founders from different lines to produce â€Å"jigsaw pigs†. All pigs are tested to verify that they are homozygous for the transgene using florescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Transplants of transgenic pig organs into primates such as monkeys and baboons have shown success. Further testing will have to be conducted before xenotransplants are approved for humans, however. Researchers are worried that porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) may be transmitted to humans by the transplants. Pig DNA contains sections with virus-like qualities, and it has been proven these retroviruses can infect human cells.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Factors Motivating Variation
The section â€Å"Factors motivating variation†of Chapter 2 of Introducing Sociolinguistics (Meyerhoff 2006) introduces four social factors that motivated people how to use language. Meyerhoff provides a rough introduction on these factors that would be discussed deeply in latter chapters. The first factor is speakers desire to show how to join in a group and separate from others. That means people use language to identify which group they belong to. Meyerhoff uses the Martha’s vineyard study to explain that vineyarder used different pronunciation to distinguish themselves from summer visitor.The specific linguistic variant is an identification to separate local group and visitor group. The second factor is speakers desire to be valuable in their group. Meyerhoff explains speaker use specific variant to raise their self image in the community, then to establish a positive image in their community. On the other hand, speakers desire to eliminate the negative by avoiding using a variant which their image would be downgraded. These three factors motivate speakers determine how to use language to achieve a â€Å"good†identity in the society.Compare to the other three factors, the final one is focused on the interaction between the speaker and group members. Meyerhoff states the speakers desire to test how in-group members are orienting themselves to those three factors. Communication accommodation theory is introduced to explain this factor in generally. It presents that the speakers depend on audience behaviors to choose the variant. Besides that the speakers will use language to test their hypotheses are workable or not. Therefore, variation is a result after these testing.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Free Essays on Charlamagne
Charlemagne the King: An biography from Will Durant's STORY OF CIVILIZATION 1950 Beyond the legends of Charlemagne lies a biography worthy of the tales. To the medieval mind, only King Arthur vied with Charlemagne as the finest example of what a Christian king could be. Kind, yet fiercely defensive of his family and Empire, there is much to admire. His exploits spawned both histories and romances, like all good legends it stood firmly rooted in history. The biography offered here was published in Will Durant's History of Civilization, but a small part of an encyclopedic historical survey. I include it here in the KCT resources because it might prove useful and inspiration to those seeking a basic introduction to this most famous of medieval kings. King Charlemagne The greatest of medieval kings was born in 742, at a place unknown. He was of German blood and speech, and shared some characteristics of his people- strength of body, courage of spirit, pride of race, and a crude simplicity many centuries apart from the urbane polish of the modern French. He had little book learning; read only a few books- but good ones; tried in his old age to learn writing, but never quite succeeded; yet he could speak old Teutonic and literary Latin, and understood Greek. In 771 Carloman II died, and Charles at twenty-nine became sole king. Two years later he received from Pope Hadrian II an urgent appeal for aid against the Lombard Desiderius, who was invading the papal states. Charlemagne besieged and took Pavia, assumed the crown of Lombardy, confirmed the Donation of Pepin, and accepted the role of protector of the Church in all her temporal powers. Returning to ... Free Essays on Charlamagne Free Essays on Charlamagne Charlemagne the King: An biography from Will Durant's STORY OF CIVILIZATION 1950 Beyond the legends of Charlemagne lies a biography worthy of the tales. To the medieval mind, only King Arthur vied with Charlemagne as the finest example of what a Christian king could be. Kind, yet fiercely defensive of his family and Empire, there is much to admire. His exploits spawned both histories and romances, like all good legends it stood firmly rooted in history. The biography offered here was published in Will Durant's History of Civilization, but a small part of an encyclopedic historical survey. I include it here in the KCT resources because it might prove useful and inspiration to those seeking a basic introduction to this most famous of medieval kings. King Charlemagne The greatest of medieval kings was born in 742, at a place unknown. He was of German blood and speech, and shared some characteristics of his people- strength of body, courage of spirit, pride of race, and a crude simplicity many centuries apart from the urbane polish of the modern French. He had little book learning; read only a few books- but good ones; tried in his old age to learn writing, but never quite succeeded; yet he could speak old Teutonic and literary Latin, and understood Greek. In 771 Carloman II died, and Charles at twenty-nine became sole king. Two years later he received from Pope Hadrian II an urgent appeal for aid against the Lombard Desiderius, who was invading the papal states. Charlemagne besieged and took Pavia, assumed the crown of Lombardy, confirmed the Donation of Pepin, and accepted the role of protector of the Church in all her temporal powers. Returning to ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
GASB state 34 essays
GASB state 34 essays On June 30, 1999 the GASB passed statement number 34. Statement 34 establishes new accounting requirements for state and local governments that are scheduled to begin on June 15, 2002. There are three phases scheduled for the implementation of statement 34, each depending on the size of the government. The largest governments must meet the requirement first while the smaller governments have more time to comply with the statement. Statement 34 will improve the governmental accounting system in many ways. First, statement 34 will create easier to understand financial statements. This will allow people other than accountants to understand the information within a government financial statement. Secondly, statement 34 will help city officials keep track of fixed assets that need to be replaced or improved. This addition is important because city officials often forget that assets have been in use for too long, resulting in costly improvements that could be avoided. Furthermore, statement 34 will allow readers to determine whether the government has improved since the last fiscal year. These goals will be accomplished in several ways. First, a management discussion and analysis (MD Another notable change made by statement 34 is the adoption of the full accrual method. This will greatly change the bottom line of many governmental entities. Under this system, governments will report all revenue...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Plate Tectonism, Oceanic Ridges and Rises Coursework
Plate Tectonism, Oceanic Ridges and Rises - Coursework Example Similarities and differences between a continental arc and island arc will be provided. In general, oceanic ridges is referring to â€Å"a mountainous chain of young basaltic rock at the active spreading center of an ocean†(Garrison, 2010: 116) whereas oceanic rises are referring to â€Å"a long, broad elevation which can be found at the bottom of the ocean". Oceanic ridges are â€Å"sources of the new ocean floor where lithospheric plates diverge†(ibid). A good example of oceanic ridges includes the Bowers Ridge and Shirshove Ridge which can be found in the Bering Sea close to Alaska, Kamchatka, and Siberia. There are significant differences between oceanic ridges and oceanic rises. Although often mistaken as one, oceanic rises often have a gentler topography as compared to oceanic ridges. Furthermore, oceanic rises also are not characterized by the presence of wide central rift valleys which are often found in oceanic ridges (Garrison, 2010: 116). In fact, oceanic ridges reach its widest when active. The two hypotheses that laid the foundation for plate tectonism a.k.a. plate structure includes: the continental drift and seafloor spreading. To understand the theory behind plate tectonics, it is important to take note of the following features: (1) the Earth’s surface is composed of 7 large crustal plates (i.e. African, North American, South American, Eurasian, Australian, Antarctic, and Pacific plates); (2) ocean floors continuously move in different directions (i.e. vertical and horizontal movements); (3) convection currents underneath the plates causes the movement of crustal plates; and (4) heat that triggers convection currents is radioactively rooted in the Earth’s mantle.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Modernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Modernity - Essay Example These aspects are either descriptive or analytical based on social, political, or economic aspects that characterize modernity. A political approach of defining modernity is quite analytical. It states that the earliest stages of modernity began with the Niccolo Machiavelli’s works, which seemed to favor the free republics over monarchies. The modernization initiated at this time continues to grow with liberalism and democracy being quite characteristic in today’s political view. On the other hand, the changes in the social discourse, processes, and conditions take a descriptive approach. In this case, modernity is described in accordance to the descriptions of people’s social aspects. The philosophical view also takes the same descriptive dimension as the social approach. In this regard, it is described as the period where the realization that it is impossible to achieve certainty came up. On the same frequency, modernity achieves a descriptive approach as the a ge in which ideologies were developed. The descriptive aspect of modernity supersedes the analytical. This is because across generations what predominates is the evidence of what has taken place. Therefore, when this is described, it supports the evidence of the transition that is characterized by
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