Friday, January 24, 2020
Anti-Matter :: essays research papers
Anti-Matter Introduction Ordinary matter has negatively charged electrons circling a positively charged nuclei. Anti-matter has positively charged electrons - positrons - orbiting a nuclei with a negative charge - anti-protons. Only anti-protons and positrons are able to be produced at this time, but scientists in Switzerland have begun a series of experiments which they believe will lead to the creation of the first anti-matter element -- Anti-Hydrogen. The Research Early scientists often made two mistakes about anti-matter. Some thought it had a negative mass, and would thus feel gravity as a push rather than a pull. If this were so, the antiproton's negative mass/energy would cancel the proton's when they met and nothing would remain; in reality, two extremely high-energy gamma photons are produced. Today's theories of the universe say that there is no such thing as a negative mass. The second and more subtle mistake is the idea that anti-water would only annihilate with ordinary water, and could safety be kept in (say) an iron container. This is not so: it is the subatomic particles that react so destructively, and their arrangement makes no difference. Scientists at CERN in Geneva are working on a device called the LEAR (low energy anti-proton ring) in an attempt to slow the velocity of the anti-protons to a billionth of their normal speeds. The slowing of the anti-protons and positrons, which normally travel at a velocity of that near the speed of light, is neccesary so that they have a chance of meeting and combining into anti-hydrogen. The problems with research in the field of anti-matter is that when the anti-matter elements touch matter elements they annihilate each other. The total combined mass of both elements are released in a spectacular blast of energy. Electrons and positrons come together and vanish into high-energy gamma rays (plus a certain number of harmless neutrinos, which pass through whole planets without effect). Hitting ordinary matter, 1 kg of anti-matter explodes with the force of up to 43 million tons of TNT - as though several thousand Hiroshima bombs were detonated at once. So how can anti-matter be stored? Space seems the only place, both for storage and for large-scale production. On Earth, gravity will sooner or later pull any anti-matter into disastrous contact with matter. Anti-matter has the opposite effect of gravity on it, the anti-matter is 'pushed away' by the gravitational force due to its opposite nature to that of matter.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Paramedic Professionals Essay
Although paramedics work alongside other emergency services and health care providers, they are not classified as health care professionals, therefore, working independently from these organisations and autonomously within their own state ambulance organisations. Through exploring the evolution of paramedic practice and their role as a health care provider, the current status of paramedics as a semi profession is explained along with what further development is needed before they become a recognised profession. In understanding how paramedics work autonomously within their own state based organisations, the concept of scope of practice and evidence based practice is explored. Finally by discussing how paramedics are independent, we establish paramedics’ role and position within the Australian Health Care System. A paramedic is a health care professional At present in Australia, paramedics are not classified as registered health care professionals. (Smith 2012) Instead, paramedics are widely regarded as semi-professionals with the potential to become a fully recognised profession in the near future. The definition of profession and the guidelines to become a recognised profession are not black and white. Professions Australia defined a profession as ‘a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and who possess special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level. ’ (Allied Health Professions Australia 2008: 8) Whilst Wilinsky (1964) describes 4 key elements that are essential for the process of professionalization. These include; the implementation of a unified code of ethics and regulations, attaining professional licencing, registration and accreditation, the establishment of university study and education and the development of full-time occupation and formation of occupational territory. Over the past 20 years the roles of paramedics have changed rapidly, with changes still occurring at the present. Paramedics have transitioned from ‘stretcher bearers’ knew as ambulance officers, to todays’ paramedics who are full time workers and are able to administer extensive pre hospital care. Along with the changes to the nature of the paramedics’ job, there has also been a significant change in the way paramedics are trained. ‘Training for paramedics has transitioned from on the job training provided by State and Territory Ambulance Services to vocational qualifications and more recently, higher education (University) sector qualifications. ’(Williams, Brown, Onsman 2012: 6) These changes to higher education training and full time employment, has allowed for paramedics to move one step closer in becoming a recognised profession. A review of common professional traits suggests two main areas where the discipline falls short and it is that paramedics do not have ‘national registration and regulation resulting in professional self-control and accreditation’ and they do not nationwide qualifications that link from tertiary education to the paramedic services (Williams, Brown, Osman 2012: 1) Firstly, registration in the context of health care professionals, is the process of licensing and registering clinicians to practice at a uniform national standard of care. Productivity Commission 2005 in Williams, Brown, Osman 2012: 7) Registration allows for consistency in education and training nationwide, and ensures paramedics work within the provisions of their scope of practice. (Council of Ambulance Authorities 2008) Secondly, there are no national university standard degree competencies or a national curriculum in relation to paramedic training. This leads to an inconsistency between the curricula taugh t to paramedic students. This is further aggravated by ambulance services as they work independently from the Australian Health care System and of the universities as well. Williams, Brown, Osman 2012) In conclusion, without the implementation of nationwide registration, licensing and education qualifications, paramedics will continue to be recognized as a semi-profession. Operating autonomously Paramedics are allied health care providers who are operating autonomously at a state level within their own ambulance services. The United States National Library of Medicine defines autonomy as the ‘decisions and the freedom to act in accordance with one’s professional knowledge base. (Nurs 2010: 1) In the paramedic profession this knowledge base is known as a scope of practice. Within each state based paramedic organisation, there is legislation and guidelines that outline the scope of which a certain qualified paramedic can work in. Scope of practice refers to ‘the ext ent to which providers may render Health care services and the extent they may do so independently and the type of diseases, ailments, and injuries a health care provider may address and what procedures and medication they can provide. ’ (Prats ;amp; Katz 2012: 13) For example, in Queensland, whilst out on road paramedics have the freedom to make their own decisions and judgments based on their knowledge, as long as it is legal in the legislation of the Queensland Ambulance Service Ambulance Service Act 1991 (Qld) and within the scope of practice of the paramedics qualifications. (Queensland Consolidated Acts 2010) As paramedics gain further knowledge and undergo more training, the scope of practice of this paramedic will increase. The larger the scope of practice, the more autonomously the paramedic is able to operate. Currently in Queensland there has been an increased awareness of poorer patient outcomes and difficulties in accessing medical help in rural and remote areas. (Horizon 2007 in O’Meara 2011) In an attempt to increase positive patient outcomes, expanded scope roles have been introduced into the Australian Health Care System, allowing certain paramedics to apply skills and protocols for which they were not originally trained. (Sterling, Pedler, Walker 2007) This increases the paramedics’ autonomy within their field which allows them to work for better patient outcomes. Paramedics are also highly autonomous as they frequently use evidence based practice as a means of new research and technique. In the pre hospital care environment, ‘rather than making decisions about practice actions based on routine and traditionally taught methods, paramedics use evidence identified from well-constructed studies as a basis for the clinical decisions and behaviours. ’ (Curtis ;amp; Ramsden 2011: 111) Evidence based practice occurs through ‘integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. (Sackett ;amp; Rosenberg 1996: 1) This can only occur when an individual is given autonomy within their field of work. In conclusion, as paramedics have the freedom to make decisions within their scope of practice and can utilise evidence based practice, paramedics are autonomous within a state level. Operating independently within The Australian Health Care System Although paramedics work alon g-side the Australian Health Care System, paramedics are independent of this system. The Houghton Mifflin Company 2011 defines independent as being ‘not governed by a foreign power; self-governing. Paramedics are governed by their own state based organisations and are separate and independent of the hospitals and the Australian Health Care System. When dealing with any misconduct or inquiries, unlike nurses and doctors whose governing power is the Australian Health Care System, paramedics approach their own state based organisation. In conclusion, even though the paramedics work in conjunction with other health care providers both in and out of the hospital setting, paramedics governance is independent of other health care services and the Australian Health Care System. Willis, McCarthy, Lazarsfeld-Jensen and O’Meara 2009) Conclusion: In conclusion paramedics are autonomous and independent health care providers who work along-side the Australian Health Care system. Alth ough paramedics work alongside other emergency services and health care providers in both the in and out of hospital care environment, they are not classified as health care professionals. But with the implementation of nationwide curricula and ethical standards, paramedics can move from a semi profession to fully recognised profession. Paramedics have the freedom to make decisions within their scope of practice and can utilise evidence based practice, making paramedics autonomous within a state level. Through the broadening of paramedics’ scope of practice in certain environment such as rural areas and through the use of evidence based practice we see efforts to increase positive patient outcomes. Finally, paramedics are independent from the Australian Health Care System as they are self-governed by their own state based organisations.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Legalizing The Legalization Of Marijuana - 1012 Words
Legalize, control, and discourage is a way to fix the problem. Evident by Colorado and Washington, â€Å"the legalization of marijuana can stop most of these possession arrests†(Levine). After the first opening of the first retail marijuana stores on January 1, 2014, Colorado had decreased crime rates, decreased traffic fatalities and increase in economic output (DPA). Since 2010, the marijuana possession arrest have went down 84% since its legalization. The tactic of legalizing, controlling, and discouraging has been proposed by the Economist, a weekly news magazine, in the late 80’s. The article, â€Å"Hooked on Just Saying No†, was written to address the problems of the War on Drugs. It discussed the problems with prohibition. Back in the early 20th century, America’s prohibition of alcohol failed; it caused social and economic problems all over America. When alcohol became legalized, bootleggers ended up becoming legal brewers and distillers, becoming wealthy from the profit. However, â€Å"prohibited drugs could yield even bigger profits than prohibited alcohol†(the Economist). Therefore, after marijuana becomes legal, it should be controlled and regulated, to prevent the monopolization of the market. Taxation of marijuana and less incarceration for marijuana would yield economic benefits to the government, leading to more funding for productive activities such as better education and drug rehabilitation. Discouraging the use of the drug will decrease the fatalities that it may beShow MoreRelatedEssay on What If Marijuana Became Legal?623 Words  | 3 Pages Legalizing medical marijuana would reduce crime rates all across the United States. Marijuana is a widely used drug and a lot of crime revolves around it. A lot of money is spent on marijuana, whether it is at a dispensary in Colorado or police officers spending large amounts of money on drug busts. Police officers want a strong relationship with the community they serve. Police want to catch real criminals who hurt real victims. It would save departments a lot of money because they are wastingRead MoreMarijuana Decriminalization and Legalization636 Words  | 3 PagesThe validity of marijuana decriminalization (and even legalization) is illustrated in the following analysis of the social, fiscal, political, and medical attributes and conceptions associated with the drug. Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, in 2008; archeologists discovered over two pounds of cannabis in a 2,700-year-old grave of a shaman found in Central Asia. (Armentano, 1) Should marijuana be legalized or at least decriminalized in America? The following information may give theRead MoreThe Legalization of Marijuana Essay868 Words  | 4 Pagesthe most controversial topics in the news today is the legalization of marijuana. Supporters believe that the drug is not harmful and can have nume rous benefits. However, opponents argue that marijuana can lead to addiction and other more dangerous drugs. In the end, marijuana should be legal based on economic, medicinal, and philosophical factors. First, the legalization of marijuana would have a tremendous economic impact. Since â€Å"marijuana is thought to be the second most profitable cash cropRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1449 Words  | 6 PagesSince the first efforts to legalize marijuana in the 1960s, Americans have become progressively more accepting of requests to liberalize laws restricting possession and use of marijuana, but the shift has not been a straight line. After 11 states decriminalized marijuana possession in the 1970s, recoil led by suburban parents led too much harsher implementation of drug laws. But since California legalized medical marijuana in 1996, outlooks toward the drug have relaxed significantly.(A Brief HistoryRead MoreReasons for Legalizing Marijuana841 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Reasons for Legalizing Marijuana Abstract Marijuana can be used by the public for many purposes. Medicine is an important part of our lives and marijuana has been tested to cure cancerous cells as well as help people with their epilepsy. Using marijuana for medical purposes is one major aspect that people should take into consideration for legalizing it. Marijuana’s market has also been brought to many people’s attention because it has been poised to grow faster thanRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana Should Not Be Beneficial1240 Words  | 5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana is such a growing debate in the United States, whether it’s on television, in the classroom, or in your own kitchen; you may find yourself debating about it with someone. You are either for it, against it, or indifferent. Either way you still have an opinion of some sort about the legalization of marijuana. Christopher Beach and William Bennett are no different. The release of their article on called â€Å"Legalize Juggern aut†on timing is perfect sinceRead MoreMarijuana Should Be Legal For Recreational Use873 Words  | 4 PagesRevised: There will be medical benefits if marijuana was legal for recreational use. Premise: Street justice related to drug disputes would be reduced resulting in less crowding in prisons. Revised: Legalizing marijuana will result in less crowding in prisons. Premise: States gain profit from taxing marijuana Revised: States benefit financially from the legalization of marijuana. Conclusion: Marijuana should be legal for recreational use. Marijuana has been used in herbal remedies for centuriesRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana Essay1606 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana is a shredded mix of dry flowers, stems and the seeds of a plant called cannabis and people usually smoke it in the form of cigarettes for relaxation. Ever since marijuana hit mainstream America over 30 years ago, government prohibition of it has been the subject of an ongoing debate. Should marijuana be legalized? Proponents of marijuana argue that there are numerous medical benefits and that the drug is not more harmful than tobacco or alcohol. Therefore, prohibiting it intrudes on personalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1269 Words  | 6 PagesAbu Matar 1 Mahmoud Abu Matar English Composition 2 Research Paper 14 April 2015 Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is most commercialized drug in the world, so why not just legalize it? Although there are legal restraints against marijuana, 1 in 3 Americans have tried it, out of curiosity at least once. Multiple studies have proven that, marijuana is psychologically and physically healing. Medical marijuana should be legalized for its beneficial advantages, such as, treating or preventing health conditionsRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuana And Marijuana1633 Words  | 7 PagesBalyuk March 8, 2016 Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana has a few different names that are commonly used in today’s society including weed and cannabis. Weed is smoked with joints, bongs, or pipes. Marijuana can also be mixed with foods usually brownies, cookies, and candy which are called edibles. The main chemical responsible for the high feeling is called THC but marijuana also contains over 500 chemicals. The chemical is found in resin produced by the leaves and buds. â€Å"Marijuana is the most commonly
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